February 6th & 7th
School Closed for Teacher Training
February 13th & 14th 
In-class Valentine Parties

February 17th
School Closed for President’s Day

February 20th & 21st
Donuts with Dad and Rodeo Dress Up Day

March 3rd
Drums of Africa 

March 7th
Noon Dismissal for Teacher In-Service

March 10th-14th 
Spring Break

April 16th and 17th
Easter Egg Hunt and Class Party

April 18th -21st
School Closed for Easter

April 24th & 25th
School Closed for Parent/Teacher Conferences

April 28th- May 2nd
School Art Show and Auction

May 8th & 9th
Muffins with Mom 

May 15th & 16th
Last Day of School and Noon Dismissal

May 16th
Big Dog Graduation